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We have a new weekly contributor to TSwails, one of several new features we'll be adding. When it comes to weather folklore and historical events this is the man I go to. With more than 50 years of statistical and observational research, he's the dude! When it comes to lunar cycles, woolly bear caterpillars, insects, bugs, and animals, he tracks them, records them, and establishes ties to weather patterns. He's a knowledgeable and interesting man. His name is Steve Gottschalk by way of Lowden, Iowa. I'm grateful to him for lending his unique perspective to the site. Steve's "wild" world of weather can be found every Wednesday right here on


I became interested in weather folklore at a very early age when I heard my parents and grandparents talk about the various weather sayings. You could say that I became a student of weather lore back in 1967 when I bought my first copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac which contained a list of the more popular weather sayings. Beginning in 1983 I made up a list of the weather folklore that I wanted to test with my own weather observations. After 27 years of research I wrote a small book on my findings entitled "Predicting The Weather Like Grandpa Used To" based on my data.

I have had arthritis for over 10 years and I decided to test the weather folklore that states- "Headaches, toothaches, pains in the corns, rheumatism, neuralgic pains,etc. are felt by some people from dry to wet or mild to cold."

After 10 years of research I found that my arthritis flared up 83% of the time when the barometer was falling, which was followed by rain or snow, wind and large temperature changes. During the colder months (October-April), the pain was more noticeable. If the drop in pressure was steeper there was more pain. In some cases, when the storms were more prolonged , the pain hung on. As soon as the barometer started to rise again the pain eased up some.

Late last fall my daughter, Hollie, texted me to see if the barometer was falling as she was coming down with a headache. It was, so she proceeded to text me every time she came down with a headache. I kept track of all of her headaches from December through April. For every incident when she texted me, the barometer was falling and we had precipitation and windy weather. When the barometer remained low for several days she had a prolonged headache. As soon as the air pressure started to rise she experienced some relief. I have since learned that the scientists call these "barometric headaches". I plan on continuing this research.

According to scientists, the human body reacts with heightened discomfort, aches and pains as the air pressure decreases and the humidity increases preceding bad weather. In one study of 367 arthritic patients, 72% experienced increased pain each time the barometer fell. It is generally recognized that people who have rheumatic or arthritic problems, who are headache prone will experience aches and pains as the humidity increases and the air pressure decreases.


You may want to keep a diary on your own if you are sensitive to the changes in weather.If you are a forum member we would like to hear what influences you. Start a thread and get into the discussion. Not a member. sign up under the forum link. It's free and easy. Roll weather....TS

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