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Well yesterday at this time the thermometer at my place (and many others) around the region was at 64 degrees. Now it says 38 and thanks to west winds of 25-30 mph the wind chill is 28 degrees. The switch was flipped, as expected. Here's the 24 hour temperature changes. In Texas, some places are more than 40 degrees colder.
These are some mid-day temperatures.
Here are the associated wind chills, about 10 degrees colder.
On this hi-resolution GOES satellite image, you can see the Category 5 winter storm parked over northern Minnesota. Heavy snow and blizzard conditions are found in parts of North Dakota.
Tonight temperature will steadily fall after sunset allowing readings to go sub-freezing for the first time. As anticipated, the freeze watch has been upgraded to a Freeze warning. Tender vegetation is in danger Will Robinson.
More on the cold and chances for any Midwest snow showers or flurries in my next post. You can now get tweets from me so follow Terry Swails on twitter as well. Hope to see ya there! Roll weather...