Meteorological winter is over and it is now spring. But those are just words and guidelines because this is the time of year we end to have warmer temperatures and less snow. However, a switch doesn't just flip. Let's check in on the rankings with the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index (AWSSI) from the Midwest Regional Climate Center.

AWSSI is ranked from mild to extreme based off temperature, snowfall and snow depth. Most of the Midwest is ranked as severe or extreme... which comes as no surprise. We'll break down a few cities around the Midwest. First, here's a big picture with the temperature departure for meteorological winter (December-February):

Temperatures have just been a degree or two below normal across much of the Midwest as a whole. There have been a few days with extremes - including many locations setting all-time record low temperatures.
Snowfall is what has propelled a lot of these locations to the severe and extreme categories.

Snowfall for the winter so far is around 150 to 300% above normal! Most of the snow this season has come in about a 45 day period.
Moline - "Severe"

In general temperatures haven't been that far below normal this winter. Moline's coldest temperature was the all time record of -33 set on January 31st. There has been 58.7" of snow so far, which is 31.4" above normal. It is the sixth snowiest winter on record and 11" away from the snowiest winter ever.
Waterloo - "Severe"

Waterloo bottomed out at -31 on January 31st, the third coldest temperature ever recorded. Waterloo has had 57.6" of snow so far, 28.1" above normal. Waterloo is tied for the third snowiest winter on record and is only a mere 1.8" away from the snowiest winter ever.
Omaha - "Extreme"

Omaha bottomed out at -14 January 31st. There has been 50.7" of snow so far, 29" above normal. It is currently the seventh snowiest winter on record and is 7.5" away from the snowiest winter on record.
There will be another shot at record temperatures Monday morning and Monday afternoon. There will be more snow over the next ten days with two systems in the Midwest (one Wed/Thu and another over the weekend). The tracks of the storms need to be worked out still to determine where snow will fall.
Winter isn't done yet...