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I hope you are aware of how far ahead of the competition TSwails has been in catching the trends of our early winter weather pattern. It takes a heck of a lot of commitment, passion, and knowledge to do that. This is now my job and that's why I'm asking for a voluntary subscription fee of $12 dollars a year, one dollar a month to keep TSwails going. Together we can create one of the best, most unique, and reliable weather sites in the Midwest. Your contribution of 3 cents a day, allows me to stay free of the corporate world and pour my energy into doing what I do best, forecasting the weather! We hope you see the value and hard work that goes into the site everyday. You support in any way is sincerely appreciated. Thanks and roll weather. To donate click on the secure green box below.

Well it's another cold day in paradise. The temperature at the Swails ranch in Marion, Iowa is a whopping 26 degrees.

Wind chills range from the teens from here west to the mid 20s east where there's less in the way of a breeze.

Clouds are hanging tough in my eastern counties but just to the west of Cedar Rapids clearing has arrived and the sun is out. Slowly but surely the clearing will creep east and skies will clear from west to east either late this afternoon or evening.

Friday under a mix of sun and clouds temperatures begin the gradual warm-up we've been touting for several days. Here's what highs are expected to look like Friday on the GFS, Snow cover will hinder the warm-up in places where there are still a few inches on the ground and readings will stay in the low to mid 30s. However, down south of I-80 some highs could make it to 40!

Even with the warmer temperatures this weekend it won't be all that toasty as highs remain a few degrees below normal. Better but not great!

I came across this graphic from the Iowa Mesonet and thought it did a great job of showing how ridiculous the cold has been since mid October. (The proof is in the pudding as they say). In it you can see the high temperature departures for Cedar Rapids for every day since October 11th. Only 3 of the 35 days have been above normal. None back to back. The worst of it hit November 12th when the high of 14 came in 34 degrees short of the normal of 48! Truly this has been a remarkable stretch of cold weather.

This is the same data for the Quad Cities. Not quite as bad as Cedar Rapids with 10 of the 35 days with above normal readings. Still, the stretch from October 28 through today is pretty brutal.

Well, for now there's not much going on with quiet weather anticipated for several days. Time to take a breath! Roll weather...TS

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